Monday, 21 September 2015

Sandro's Questions

Sandro Rosa and his untimely crime...

1. Sandro Rosa seemed to be a lost person who's life purpose was to survive. As we know Sandro's life wasn't exactly picturesque as he saw the death of his own mother right before his eyes and he also saw the "Candelaria church massacre on July 23, 1993. Brazilian policemen killed eight adolescents and injured several others. Nascimento was unharmed, and cited the event during his hostage situation" as quoted by wikipedia and other sources. We can obviously see that he was a drug addict but we cannot say he is a bad person as we know in the hostage incident he didn't really kill anyone and he pretended to kill one of the women but he didn't which makes him not a bad human being.

2. The economic reasons are straightforward and quite simple really, we know in Brazil there were not many opportunities and the poor were isolated and discriminated from the rich. The main 2 reasons I have outlined are the decline of opportunities and the basic lack or financial things such as money, healthcare, education and even a standard not working income.

3. The social reasons are most likely the fact that Sandro wanted attention and the government to really give the poor their share of respect and time that was needed to assess those needs or maybe he just really badly wanted attention to bring his story to light? we cannot really make a judgement. I feel he really wanted the gangs and the poor/rich divide matter really become important and come to life

4. The lack of opportunities (social and economic motivation) is the real link between the social and economic reasons as it is said the rich get more opportunities and the poor really don't get any. So the so with the poor not getting any opportunities they do not really get any money and obviously the easy way out was to go to collective crime either a lone criminal or join/make a street gang.

5. I think his actions led to his death he was playing a really risky game and ended up paying with his life, I am not saying he is not justified with what he did but I feel "he sowed his own web" which just caught him at the wrong time. He isn't to justify for the death of the women I just think that was a case of the police not really being calm or reasonable in that situation. That also can be said for his death which was not exactly ideal.

In conclusion Sandro's story is like so many people not just in Brazil but all over the entire world in places such as India, Bangladesh, Portugal, Mexico etc. his story is capturing the light of the divide between the rich and the poor not only in Brazil but in the whole world.

Shawn 10C